Monday, August 23, 2010

Frice Cream

Or: I scream, you scream, we all scream for fried soy!
I think that I’ve finally found the holy grail of artery-clogging animal-free perfection: fried soy cream. Yes, my friends, you can fry soy cream (actually, you can fry any ice cream substitute. Or any ice cream substitute substitute, for example, ice cream). Why do this, you wonder? Because it’s there. Because you can. Because it’s time to prove that there’s no dish so filled with sugar and fat that adding more fat and sugar won’t make it better. And it’s time to show those health-based vegetarians how wrong they are. Vegans, I say, can be just as fat and gross as meaties. And here’s how:

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Hey guys,

It's been an intense summer, full of fried food and future-filled fiction. I've taught my first class on the intersection of philosophy and science fiction, and I'm ready to add a few new posts about things I've been eating. I don't have time here to put up anything original, but here're some links I've checked out:

I've got a new fryer that lets me control oil temperature! You want to choose the right oil for your fry temperature, though--oils with low smoke points can't handle the heat, and will make your food smell and taste terrible if you cook them at a high temperature. Here's some info on oil smoke points.

I've also tried someone else's recipe for french fries--it's amazing! The combo of blanching, freezing, frying, and re-frying delicately balances the texture of the fry against its flavor. Check it!

Next, I'm pumped about the coming fusion of a top-notch neo-scifi writer and one of the best science fiction directors: As She Climbed Across the Table is going to be a movie, and I'm sure it'll be totally nuts.

Finally, here's some eye/full body candy.